The Conch

The conch, in lord of the flies, represents civilization and democracy. When it is first found Ralph uses it to call a meeting in which they elect a chief. They create rules, one of them being that you can only talk if you have the conch. Throughout the book the conch’s power diminishes. Jack says the conch does not count on the other side of the island. I think the fight between civilization and savagery is kind of like a war and Jack saying the conch does not count on the other side of the island is like a major battle won by savagery.Civilization was strong in the beginning but it weakens and savagery gets stronger causing civilizations downfall. The conch is destroyed by Roger. The conch is destroyed by savagery since Roger represents savagery. I think this shows how savagery and civilization cannot exist together in harmony and how one must always dominate over the other. In this case savagery rose above civilization but it would be interesting to see what would have happened if civilization had won. The conch exploding into tiny fragments represents the end of civilization on the island. I think the reason savagery won is because it seemed like more fun than civilization. To the boys painting themselves is a lot more fun than building huts and so civilization on the island mostly ended. Also, the boys on the island are not exactly eager to return home, where they have to go back to school.

A Painting of a boy with a conch, I think it looks like Ralph.